Drainage channels at Ibaia, the training grounds of Deportivo Alavés

More than 200 linear metres have been installed for the conditioning of the facilities with artificial grass.
Drainage channels at Ibaia, the training grounds of Deportivo Alavés

The channel used in this project was from the U - URBAN range, in 200mm width, which has greater capacity than the one usually used, to minimize waterlogging as much as possible. This kind of drainage channel is ideal for areas where the load resistance requirement is not very high, as is the case of this type of sports areas.

If you have a project in mind, contact us, we will be happy to assist you.

Several adaptations have been made to the Ibaia sports facilities in Vitoria-Gasteiz.

One of the most outstanding has been the transformation of the ground from natural grass to synthetic grass. Therefore, it became necessary to also install a suitable drainage system around the grounds, since artificial grass does not filter as well as natural grass.

The construction company responsible for the execution of this project, which specializes in this type of work, once again chose ULMA to successfully complete it.

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