Driveway channel drain MultiV+

Polymer concrete driveway channel drain with versatile uses suitable for intermediate loads and road traffic for areas of low and medium hydraulic requirements.
- Optimized V-shaped section with self-cleaning effect.
- Different driveway drain widths100-150-200
- Galvanized profile / ductile cast iron / stainless steel profile
- Gratings available in stainless, galvanized steel or ductile cast iron
- Rapidlock® locking system
- Bolting possible
- Mechanical stability in 8 fixing points
- Possibility of built-in slope, mixed slope or cascade slope.
- Load class up to D400
- Car parks for all types of vehicles, shopping areas and pedestrian zones.

Don't overshadow something that should really shine
Hidden urban drainage system

ULMA channels in the renovated Santa Barbara Square in Vitoria-Gasteiz
More than 600 linear metres of channels installed in the renovation of this central square in Vitoria.

Plaza de Armas in Ferrol: subtly as a hallmark
A winning project in the FAD Awards for Architecture and Interior Design 2021

Technical and aesthetic drainage solution
And as an extra bonus, a tourism recommendation

Prevention of damage to the drainage system from heavy-duty machinery
Without sacrificing the accessibility that these spaces require

Finestrelles Shopping Centre: a different shopping centre
Two drainage systems for the same space

Two benefits that might interest you
Cost optimisation and an extraordinary material

ULMA drainage channels in the renovated GAMAZO de Santander
The work on the dam, which required an investment of 1.1 million Euros, has recovered this port area for citizens use

Heelproof grating: the people-friendly drainage solution
Wherever customisation is possible, it is offered

2 in 1: Discretion plus hydraulic capacity
Bon Preu Esclat chooses ULMA's slot drainage for its service stations in Catalonia.

ULMA channels at the newly opened Lidl store, Barcelona
Once again, the Lidl supermarket chain opts for our F and MultiV+ systems for its largest store in Spain

ULMA concealed drainage in the pedestrianisation of Murcia city centre
Linear drainage and concealed drainage system with slot drainage are chosen for this pedestrianisation project. We explain why below.

To get to the top, pay attention to those who make it the farthest
Rafa Nadal Academy

ULMA slot drainage o in Castelfranco Emilia (Modena), Italy
Both the main street and its drainage system have been renovated, changing the system from point drainage to linear drainage.