Service Area Drainage, what criteria must it meet

Without our haulage drivers, we have no transport, without transport our supply chain will slowly stop - from the clothing we purchase to the fuel in our vehicles and the food we eat.
To care for our hardworking truck drivers and acknowledging those long days spent on the road a new service area has opened in Tarragona. More than a simple petrol station it houses a hotel and restaurant focused on serving drivers.
Service stations require a channel drain system that can withstand very heavy vehicles constantly manoeuvring and crossing over the drainage system at different points and all with varying load weight.
Therefore, Kompaqdrain with its Max Flow effect was the system of choice.
The Max Flow system: key to more efficient drainage
Kompaqdrain channels have a unique design, the inlet openings have a curvature that widens at the bottom.
We call it the Max Flow effect; optimising and improving water collection thus harnesses its falling energy to increase the channel's drainage capacity.
This characteristic was key when selecting the Kompaqdrain channels for the project, given that hydraulic efficiency is essential.
If you need an efficient, safe drainage system too, please contact us.
Single-piece drainage: guaranteed safety
The grating and channel manufactured as a single piece in a material that is highly resistant to abrasion and impact: polymer concrete – Our Monolythic system is highly recommended in these areas for its uncompromising safety and durability.
In total, our customer installed more than 100 linear metres of Kompaqdrain in varying widths aided by the expertise and knowledge of our technical team who designed this project in record time providing a safe and exceptional solution.