An ULMA facade for the largest seniors residence in Vitoria

ULMA Architectural Solutions has installed a ventilated facade on the Zadorra Old People's Home (geriatric centre) in the Abetxuko neighbourhood in Vitoria.
An ULMA facade for the largest seniors residence in Vitoria

In response to the need for a service for the elderly, Álava Regional Council has promoted the construction of the largest old people's home in the region, with 100 residential places and two day-care centres, and capacity to attend to 60 people.

ULMA Architectural Solutions has participated in this project, offering a comprehensive service for the design and implementation of the building's facade. The engineered stone ventilated facade was chosen as material and system for its properties, which suited the project's needs.

External thermal insulation on this type of building is of extreme importance, where energy saving and protection from the cold and damp are essential. A well-insulated building protects the indoor environment against thermal changes outside. All these benefits offered by the ventilated facade system lead to a healthier and more comfortable environment for users, which was the main objective of this project.

The finishes chosen for this project were Earth texture panels combining several colours, with mainly light tones.


PROMOTER: Gestión Urbanistica Alava 2000.
ARCHITECT: Alberola Arquitectos y Urbanismo, Jose Maria Alberola and Ignacio Alkorta.
TEXTURE: EARTH from the Vanguard Range
COLOUR: P03, P16
FORMAT: 1800mm x 600mm

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Ventilated facade dossier

Ventilated facade dossier


