We now have an Equality Committee!

This plan aims to promote equality between men and women in our cooperative, analysing working conditions, internal organisation, operation, services and relations with other entities.
The first step will be to survey the whole group, along with a series of in-depth interviews to understand the cooperative's current situation, allowing us to define and design an action plan.
The committee is made up of representatives of the cooperative's organisations and groups, with a view to ensuring a complete overview that includes all perspectives: Arantxa Anduaga (HR Director), Jaione Uriarte (HR Technician), Irene Moreno (Head of Communication), Bruno Allende (Head of Occupational Safety), Jose Mari Zugazti (member of the Board of Directors) and Ibai Elorza (member of Board of Governors) will, alongside Emun, be in charge of promoting and assessing the diagnosis of the current situation at UAS.