An umbrella for your wall

How to prevent damp in walls
An umbrella for your wall

Today we have something new to tell you about: I'm going to talk about simplicity.

There's nothing better than when something simple works and prevents problems.

And when this does happen, the market responds, and responds positively.

There's no big secret to it. 

Develop an effective and affordable product and the response will be immediate.

That's exactly what happened with our J-Max weatherproof seal, which has attracted a lot of attention and is doing very well.

A new product that is simple but ingenious, and above all, highly effective.

So, what problems does it prevent? 

Well, it stops water from leaking between the coping in walls, for example.

Let me tell you more.

Over time, the seals applied in the initial construction get old and stop working properly. This allows water to leak through the wall, causing patches and bothersome damp.

How does the J-Max Seal help?

With this, the rainwater that has seeped in through the joints can be drained to the outside. It's as if we've installed a small trench drain between the stones, which also protrudes from the wall. This enables us to collect and drain away all the rain water. 

In other words, we've achieved a weatherproof seal.

 We've provided an umbrella to prevent your wall getting soaked by the rain.

J-Max is made from rigid PVC. It is fitted between the stones and embedded in the bonding mortar, then, along with the coping and window sills that it has been fitted between, it provides a long-lasting waterproof finish without the need for sealing.

I'll tell you about its benefits, in case you've only just discovered it:

  • It guarantees waterproof joints between coping and window sills
  • It prevents the appearance of patches on the facade
  • Due to the nature of the material, it does not deteriorate over time
  • It is very easy to install
  • It does not require sealing
  • Its length can be adapted to suit the width of any wall.

In addition, the exclusivity of the J-Max Seal is protected under a utility model.

And bear in mind also that its description is now available in Presto format (ACAE), so you can easily integrate it into your next project.

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Architectural Precast small catalogue
